Get your Posture-Fix Movement

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Change can be challenging, but it isn’t impossible. Keep celebrating every small win. You’ve got this:)

Use this entire 15 minute-movement video once a day to help unwind your body from over-sitting, or tweeze out the movements you love the most through out the day. Either way- motion is lotion and it is an incredible way to generate energy and creativity so you can maintain momentum in your day. If you need some reinforcement to remember to stretch, use this online interval timer or this Interval App so you can have it go off regularly throughout your day.

*Here’s a really simple way to add a riser to any desk- even in small spaces so you can move between sitting and standing.

*IF you are interested in purchasing an entire desk that can easily adjust low to high, this is a very simple design that is great for easy movement.

*For those who are ready to invest in a treadmill for your workstation you will want to research to be sure your stand-up desk is compatible, but this iMovR ThermoTread treadmill is a great one!

There’s no need to suffer through your pain. Schedule a free online consult with me to discover the top 2 ways you can alleviate your pain or to ask more questions about what you can to do reduce your inflammation and get past what holds you back from taking care of your health